September 21, 2012
Bringing Our Professional Development Online
ASHP/CML is pleased to announce its role as a subgrantee on Zoom In, a new online professional development project being undertaken by our longtime evaluation partner Education Development Center (EDC) and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We will work with EDC to create, test, and disseminate a suite of digital tools and […]
September 21, 2012
Seeing the Civil War—ASHP/CML Hosts an NEH Summer Institute
Institute faculty member David Jaffee discusses a Civil War print with NEH summer scholars. During two weeks last July, the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning hosted a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute on “The Visual Culture of the American Civil War” at the CUNY Graduate Center and cultural institutions in […]
March 21, 2012
Civil War Photography Public Program Now On-line
“Is There Anything More to See? Civil War Photography and History,” the third in a series of public programs sponsored by ASHP/CML marking the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War, is now available online. The event took place at the City University Graduate Center last November and featured leading scholars of […]
March 21, 2012
ASHP/CML and the Common Core Standards
Adopted by 40 states, including New York, the Common Core Standards for education are designed to insure that students master the high level reading, writing, and thinking skills they need for college and career readiness. ASHP/CML has been asked by the New York City Department of Education to develop and test classroom materials that will […]
March 21, 2012
Flight to Freedom Now Live:
Flight to Freedom is the second installment of Mission US, an interactive project that immerses players in U.S. history through free, role-playing games and for which ASHP/CML is the lead content developer. Mission US is produced by New York public television station WNET/THIRTEEN, developed by Electric Funstuff, and funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting […]
March 21, 2012
We’re pleased to announce that ASHP/CML is one of the winners of the 4th Digital Media and Learning Competition, held in collaboration with Mozilla, supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and administered by HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory). This year’s competition focused on Badges for Lifelong Learning, and […]
November 1, 2011
A Note to CUNY Faculty and Staff
Planning to make a contribution to the CUNY Campaign? Help ASHP/CML continue to produce teaching materials and bring services to New York City’s history teachers. We are #2949 in the CUNY Campaign list of participating agencies, under “CUNY-Based Organizations.” Thank you!
November 1, 2011
ASHP/CML Launches NEH Summer Institute Website: The Visual Culture of the American Civil War
We are pleased to announce the launch of our NEH Summer Institute website, The Visual Culture of the American Civil War. On this site you will find information about our July 2012 summer institute for college and university faculty, which we are hosting at the CUNY Graduate Center. The institute will focus on the the […]
November 1, 2011
ASHP/CML Awarded IMLS Planning Grant
We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded The American Antiquarian Society (AAS), in partnership with the American Social History Project, a National Leadership Planning Grant for Contextualizing the Visual Archive for Teaching. This project is designed to research and prototype an interactive online interface for archives and libraries […]