The Visual Culture of the American Civil War and Its Aftermath

From 2012-2023, ASHP/CML hosted six National Endowment for the Humanities-sponsored Summer Institutes for college and university faculty on the visual culture of the American Civil War. Each year, the two-week institute focused on the era’s array of visual media— including the fine arts, ephemera, photography, cartoons, and monuments—to examine how information and opinion about the war and its impact were recorded and disseminated, and the ways visual media expressed and shaped Americans’ views on both sides of the conflict.

July 10-21, 2023
The Graduate Center, City University of New York

The goal of the institute is to introduce faculty to the rich body of new scholarship on the Civil War and postwar visual culture, and to help them use visual evidence to enhance their scholarship and teaching about the war and its short- and long-term effects. Institute sessions are led by nationally-recognized scholars in the fields of American history, art history, and American visual culture, including hands-on workshops held at major museums and archives.

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