Making Queer History Public Episode 1: LGBTQ+ Archives with Steven G. Fullwood

In the first episode of Making Queer History Public, we talk with archivist, writer, and documentarian, Steven G. Fullwood, about his experiences archiving the lives of LGBTQ+ folks at the Schomburg Center. We also discuss the historical exclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in institutional archives and the work that people like Steven have done to bring their stories to light. 

Learn more about the Nomadic Archivists Project here, and the In The Life Archives at the Schomburg Center (NYPL) here

Other sources mentioned in the episode:

Find Ann Cvetkovich’s An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures (Duke University Press, 2003) at your local library.

Read Joan Nestle, “The Will to Remember: The Lesbian Herstory Archives of New York,” Feminist Review, Spring, 1990.

Read a blog post about the Black LGBTQ+ StoryCorps Archive at The Schomburg Center. 

Learn more about the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.

Follow Making Queer History Public on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, or Google Play. Follow the American Social History Project on Twitter at @ASHP_CML.  Making Queer History Public is sponsored by a Humanities New York Action Grant.  

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