March 24, 2011
New York Community Trust Awards ASHP/CML Grant To Work With New Small Schools
The New York Community Trust awarded ASHP/CML a $60,000 grant in support of a two-year education program. The grant provides partial funding for a partnership between ASHP/CML and a consortium of eight new small theme-based schools in the Bronx, New York. ASHP/CML will provide sustained professional and curriculum development support to participating humanities teachers.
March 24, 2011
Library of Congress Acquires The September 11 Digital Archive
The Library of Congress will mark its first major digital acquisition of September 11, 2001, materials with the addition to its collections of The September 11 Digital Archive. The Digital Archive is a joint project of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning and George Mason University’s Center for History and New Media […]
March 24, 2011
Learning To Look Summer Institutes
This summer, ASHP/CML’s longstanding teaching with technology program, the New Media Classroom (NMC), conducted week-long institutes for our latest faculty development initiative, Learning to Look: Visual Evidence and the U.S. Past in the New Media Classroom. n The Graduate Center’s Learning to Look Institute held a session at the New-York Historical Society The Learning to […]
March 24, 2011
Library of Congress Receives 911 Digital Archive
The 911 Digital Archive working groups from The Graduate Center, George Mason University and the Library of Congress gathered for this photo op at the celebration. Also shown is Graduate Center President Frances Degen Horowitz and Provost William Kelly, and George Mason University’s Dean Daniele Strupa and Library of Congress Director for Public Service Collections […]
March 24, 2011
ASHP/CML Is on the Move!
With the start of the new year, the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning will bid a fond farewell to our TriBeca offices. After more than eight years at 99 Hudson Street, the entire ASHP/CML staff will be united in one complex of offices and facilities on the 7th floor of the CUNY […]
March 24, 2011
Calendar: ASHP/CML Seminar, “Quagmire: The History of An Idea”
ASHP/CML, in cooperation with the Office of Continuing Education and Public Programs at The Graduate Center, will host a special seminar on Tuesday, April 27, 2004, on “Quagmire: The History of an Idea.” For more than a century, the U.S. military has marched off to engage in “splendid little wars” only to find itself mired […]
March 24, 2011
Learning to Look Faculty Development Program — Call for Participants
This summer a number of ASHP/CML Learning to Look (LtL) new media and pedagogy centers will conduct weeklong institutes on teaching with visual sources, followed by workshops and online communication throughout the year. As in previous summers, each LtL center will focus on ways that visual sources and new media pedagogy can enhance the teaching […]
March 24, 2011
Young America: Experiences of Youth in U.S. History
ASHP/CML has been awarded a $200,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to fund full production of Young America: Experiences of Youth in U.S. History, an online teaching resource that will use the perspectives and experiences of children and youth to enhance the U.S. history survey taught in high school and college classrooms. […]
March 24, 2011
Teaching Traditional American History Program: Historians and Teachers
Teachers from New York City’s Region 7 delving into workshop activities on the Civil War, on March 31, 2004 in Staten Island. nASHP/CML’s Historians and Teachers faculty development program kicked off on March 5 with an enthusiastic group of 34 teachers from Region 7 of the New York City public schools. Professor Herbert Sloan of […]