In Memoriam  — Simin Farkhondeh, 1963-2024

September 19, 2024

ASHP mourns the passing of Simin Farkhondeh, who served as director of our Labor at the Crossroads (LaborX) public access and CUNY TV program from 1995 to 2006. Simin produced and directed the monthly program covering a broad range of activism, including immigrant and gay and lesbian worker rights, racism on the job, NAFTA and GATT, various union organizing drives, prison labor, sweatshops, and the rights of welfare recipients. Simin expanded the Labor X work to include training rank-and-file unionists to be media producers and media activists. Simin brought great creative energy, political commitment, and international perspectives to her work and helped connect labor history to current labor struggles. It was an honor to work with Simin, and we miss her gracious camaraderie, critical insight, humor, and commitment to a more just world.