Anne Valk


Annie Valk is a specialist in oral history, public history, and the social history of 20th century United States. Before coming to The Graduate Center in 2020, she was associate professor of history and director of women’s studies at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, deputy director of the Center for Public Humanities at Brown University, and associate director for public humanities at Williams College.  At the Graduate Center she teaches classes related to public and digital history and is an affiliate member of the Urban Education Program faculty.

As ASHP Executive Director, Annie serves as the PI for LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States, an NEH-funded summer institute for secondary school teachers. She also contributes to the Who Built America? open education resource, Mission U.S., podcasts, and serves as an advisor to the PS2 initiative.

Annie has written extensively in the areas of women’s history, history of feminism, and oral history. Her books include the Companion to American Women’s History, 2nd Edition, co-edited with Nancy A. Hewitt (2021).  She is also the author of Radical Sisters: Second-Wave Feminism and Black Liberation in Washington, DC, 1968-1980 and Living with Jim Crow: African American Women and Memories of the Segregated South, co-authored with Leslie Brown and recipient of the 2011 Oral History Association Book Prize. From 2015-2016, Valk served as president of the Oral History Association.  She currently is book series editor of the Oral History Series published by Oxford University Press, and the Humanities and Public Life book series, published by the University of Iowa Press. 

To discuss partnerships and new projects, contact Annie at or 212.817.1969