Investigating U.S. History

An interactive way to learn U.S. history

Created by U.S. History faculty from across the 19 colleges of The City University of New York, Investigating History labs challenge students to “do history” by analyzing primary source materials and interpreting them for meaning

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Project Information

12 teaching modules
Covering U.S. history from 17th-20th centuries

Classroom tested
Field-tested over 3 years in more than 30 CUNY classes

Carlisle Indian School students

Investigating History includes twelve teaching modules featuring inquiry-based activities based on online archival materials such as presidential audiotape excerpts, 1930s photographs and folk music, and nineteenth-century religious tracts. Just as science or language courses include laboratory work as an essential component of the learning experience, these computer lab U.S. history activities challenge students to “do history” by analyzing and interpreting primary source materials.

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