April 16, 2015

U.S. Mexican Borderlands, 1848-1941

María Montoya, New York UniversityCity University of New York, April 25, 2014 In this talk, Professor Montoya examines the history of the U.S.-Mexican border, and its role in shaping the national memory and identity of both countries.  Notions of Mexican American citizenship and property rights are entwined with this history, and have shifted over time.  To understand these transformations, Montoya […]

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April 14, 2015

Something Old and Something New: The Not So Recent Phenomenon of Unaccompanied Latin American Minor Migration

Isabel Martinez, John Jay CollegeCUNY Graduate Center, October 24, 2014 In this presentation, Isabel Martinez places the recent experiences of unaccompanied minors migrating from Central America to the United States in a historical context, describing her family’s own youth migration story which begins in Mexico, 1902. She goes on to explore some of the reasons for the […]

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April 13, 2015

NAFTA and Narcos: How Free Trade Brought You the Drug Trade

Maria Josefina Saldaña-Portillo, New York UniversityCUNY Graduate Center, October 24, 2014 In this lecture, Professor Saldaña-Portillo addresses the multiple ways in which the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has affected the price of labor, increased narco-terrorism, and facilitated the transfer of drugs from Latin America to the United States, as well as the laundering of […]

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April 13, 2015

Border, Immigration, and Citizenship

Lori Flores, State University of New York, StonybrookCUNY Graduate Center, April 25, 2014 In this lecture Professor Flores traces the peaks and valleys of undocumented immigration, as well as the political and economic aspects of the influxes. She examines the U.S. Bracero labor program, the relationships between citizens, Bracero workers, and undocumented immigrants, and  conflicts between […]

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April 13, 2015

Dominican Immigration to the United States

Ramona Hernandez, Dominican Studies Institute, City CollegeCUNY Graduate Center, February 7, 2014 In this lecture, Professor Ramona Hernández closely examines both the statistics and the demographics of the increasing Dominican presence in the United States. Why is there a geographic shift in the locations that Dominicans are settling? How do Dominicans compare to other Latino […]

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April 13, 2015

Cuban Immigration to the United States

Lisandro Pérez, John Jay CollegeCUNY Graduate Center, February 7, 2014 In this lecture, Lisandro Pérez unpacks the long, distinct, and prolific history of Cuban Americans and their history’s close correlation with U.S. foreign and domestic policy. He uses census materials, forms, archives, city directories, naturalization records, vital records, newspapers, and magazines spanning over 200 years to reconstruct […]

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January 30, 2015

Latin@s en Nueva York: Exiles & CitizensRevolutionaries, Reformers & Writers, 1823-1940

Orlando Hernandez, Hostos Community ColllegeCUNY Graduate Center, December 6, 2013 In this talk, Professor Hernández interprets texts from Puerto Rican educator and sociologist Eugenio María de Hostos as well as the Cuban poet and scholar José Martí.  He describes the work of both writers as humanistic and cooperative, and situates both the writers and their work within the […]

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November 18, 2014

Beyond Cardboard Conquistadores and Missionaries: The First Europeans in the New World

Andrés Reséndez, University of California – DavisCUNY Graduate Center, October 18, 2013 In this talk, Professor Reséndez expands the traditional conception of America’s colonial past and paints a richer, more historically accurate picture of the Europeans who settled in the New World.  The “Spanish Conquistadores” were not all Spanish, all male, and all funded by the king, […]

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October 8, 2014

Conceptualizing Latino/a History

CUNY Graduate Center October 18, 2013 In this panel discussion, Pablo Mitchell, Professor of History, Oberlin College; Virginia Sánchez Korrol, Professor Emerita, Brooklyn College; and Andrés Reséndez, Professor of History, University of California, Davis deliberate on ways to incorporate Latino/a histories into Anglo American history, often portrayed as distinct narratives. The scholars discuss the tools they use […]

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