Reflections from 2022 Institute Participants

In July 2022, ASHP/CML hosted the first LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States summer institute for k-12 teachers. A year later, in May 2023, we organized virtual meetings with some of those teachers. In two separate roundtable discusssions, moderated by Dr. Stacie Brensilver Berman (NYU), the teachers reflected on their motivations to attend the institute, the importance of building an intellectual community and meeting other educators and scholars who shared their interests in learning LGBTQ+ history, the impact of the institute on their professional development and on their classrooms, and the significance of learning LGBTQ+ history in the current political moment.

Three educators describe specific materials and topics that were presented during the 2022 Summer Institute, LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States, which they have incorporated into their own teaching. Their discussion highlights visual images, primary source documents, and historical topics that have been useful in their classrooms. 

A high school history teacher describes how an understanding of history can add important context for understanding the rise of conservative resistance to inclusive education.

A high school teacher describes several interactive components of the 2022 Summer Institute, LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States, and how they contributed to his learning experience.

Two English Language Arts teachers describe how the inclusion of LGBTQ+ content can be “life saving” for students.

Two educators describe the impact of hearing LGBTQ+ narratives and deepening their understanding of LGBTQ+ history. Working with very different populations of students, both teachers explain what they hope their students will gain from learning about the LGBTQ+ past.

A history teacher and an English Language Arts teacher explain why they wanted to attend the 2022 Summer Institute, LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States, and how they benefited from their participation.

Three participants in the 2022 Summer Institute, LGBTQ+ Histories of the United States, discuss the importance of history for young people and its broader social value.

You can view the full recordings here:

Roundtable 1
Roundtable 2