1877: The Grand Army of Starvation

A nationwide rebellion brought the United States to a standstill in the summer of 1877. Eighty thousand railroad workers walked out, joined by hundreds of thousands of Americans outraged by the excesses of the railroad companies and the misery of a four-year economic depression. Police, state militia, and federal troops clashed with strikers and sympathizers, leaving more than one hundred dead and thousands injured. The Great Uprising inaugurated a new era of conflict over the meaning of America in the industrial age. (Length: 30 minutes)

Chapter selection

  1. Introduction (0:05)
  2. The Centennial Exposition (1:48)
  3. The Railroad (2:15)
  4. The Great Uprising Begins (5:42)
  5. Pittsburgh vs. Pennsylvania Railroad (7:23)
  6. The Depression (14:15)
  7. The Great Uprising Spreads (17:39)
  8. General Strike in Chicago (20:12)
  9. The Great Uprising Ends (23:51)
  10. Aftermath (24:32)

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