Past/Present Update

October 12, 2022

Work is ongoing on “Past/Present,” our AHA-funded project to create teaching resources and primary source collections that help educators link history to current events. The new collections of materials will be available by the end of this school year on Social History for Every Classroom, ASHP/CML’s online resource database for K-12 educators.

Over the summer we met with teams of teachers from across the country and educational advisors to discuss the use of history to teach current events, explore pedagogical best practices, and brainstorm themes for new collections of teaching materials.

These brainstorming sessions provided ASHP/CML with a rich array of topics and approaches to develop the new collections. We are currently compiling possible sources and finalizing the pedagogical approaches for each collection. We will share our drafts with the teams to get their feedback this fall and hope to make the materials publicly available, via Social History for Every Classroom, early next year.