NEH Summer Institute 2023 – Visual Culture of the American Civil War and Its Aftermath

October 12, 2022

ASHP/CML will host a National Endowment for the Humanities-funded institute in Summer 2023 for 25 college and university teachers to study the visual culture of the American Civil War and its aftermath. This sixth iteration of the institute will focus on the era’s array of visual media—including the fine arts, ephemera, photography, cartoons, maps, and monuments—to examine how information and opinion about the war and its impact were recorded and disseminated, and the ways visual media expressed and shaped views before, during, and after the conflict.

The two week institute, July 10-July 21, 2023, will include presentations by noted historians, art historians, and archivists, covering new scholarship related to Civil War and Reconstruction-era visual culture and discussing ways to use visual evidence to enhance scholarship and teaching. Participants also will enjoy hands-on sessions in major New York museums and archival collections, plus time to prepare individual projects, undertake research in local archives, and meet with the three principal institute faculty members, Joshua Brown, Sarah Burns, and Gregory Downs. Other presenters include Matthew Fox-Amato, Louise Bernard, Michele Bogart, Ashton Gonzalez, Hilary Green, Lauren Hewes, Dominique Jean-Louis, Turkiya Lowe, Amy Mooney, Susan Schulten, Scott Manning Stevens, and Heather Williams.

Information about applying and the institute program will be available in November at:

Resources and activities from previous institutes are available online on The Visual Culture of the American Civil War website. The site features video lectures and related picture galleries, primary documents, and print and multimedia bibliographies.