Department of Education’s “Hidden Voices” Materials Released to the Public

January 20, 2022

In 2020, ASHP/CML worked with the New York City Department of Education on a project to develop resources and lesson plans for their Hidden Voices program. Our work focused on incorporating significant LGBTQ+ people and events into the existing curriculum framework for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. The project was initiated to help students learn about and honor the innumerable people, often “hidden” from the traditional historical record, who have shaped and continue to shape our history and identity.

The project materials––including 20 lesson profiles on LGBTQ+ history and culture that ASHP worked with scholars and educators to plan, research, develop, and edit––have now been released online. Although developed for NYC educators, the materials are free and publicly accessible. Users can access the PDF materials for Hidden Voices: LGBTQ+ Stories in United States History Lesson Plans at WeTeachNYC here:

The guide helps teachers facilitate and explore inclusive learning experiences that validate the diverse perspectives and contributions of underrepresented individuals and groups. We are proud to have been a part of this important and necessary addition to the NYCDOE curriculum. If you want to share this resource on social media, please use the hashtag #HiddenVoicesNYC.