
American Social History Project • Center for Media and Learning

Pennee Bender | Associate Director

Pennee BenderPennee Bender has worked in educational media for more than twenty years as a multimedia and video producer, director and editor. Since 1992 she has worked with the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning as co-producer of websites, CD-ROMs, and videos. She was supervising editor of the third edition of Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History Volume II. Her film and video credits include: Savage Acts: Wars, Fairs and Empire, Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl, The West Bank: Whose Promised Land, Bitter Cane, Missing Persons/Personas Ausentes, and Labor Produces. She has a Ph.D. in American History from New York University, is on the faculty of the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Program at The Graduate Center, CUNY, teaches U.S. labor history at the Cornell Institute for Industrial and Labor Relations and has taught history and media production to students from elementary school through college.

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