Young America in Sweden

March 30, 2011

Young America in Sweden
Attending the conference dinner are (left to right) historians Cecilia O’Leary, Tony Platt, Linda Gordon, Vincent DiGirolamo, and ASHP/CMLers Andrea Vasquez and Pennee Bender.

With funding from a professional development grant from the Professional Staff Congress, Pennee Bender and Andrea Ades Vasquez participated in the biennial conference of the Society for the History of Childhood and Youth (SHCY). The conference was hosted by The Center for the Study of Childhood of Linkoping University and held in Norrkoping, Sweden, on June 27-30, 2007. As part of a panel on teaching the history of childhood, Andrea and Pennee presented a paper and demonstrated the prototype of the website, Young America: Experiences of Youth in U.S. History. Recognizing the need to get an international perspective of U.S. history, we were pleased to have the opportunity to share our work-in-progress with teachers from around the world. We received valuable feedback from scholars in the field, many of whom offered to test the prototype in their classrooms.


SCHY is an international organization whose members study the history of children and youth in all periods of history. “In the Name of the Child: The Social and Cultural History of Children and Youth” was its fourth biennial conference, the first held in Europe. Keynote speakers were Hugh Cunningham, University of Kent, and Linda Gordon, New York University.