ASHP/CML Presents at Technology Conference
March 24, 2011
In recognition of our contribution to developing innovative new media resources and approaches to their effective use in the classroom, five of the 38 sessions composing the First Annual CUNY-Wide Informational and Instructional Technology Conference held on Friday, November 15th at John Jay College were devoted to ASHP/CML projects or activities carried out under our auspices. The conference, co-sponsored by Converge magazine and entitled “Using Technology to Enhance Access and Excellence in CUNY: Realities, Plans, Visions,” attracted well over 500 CUNY faculty, staff and students (along with members of the digital industry) who were eager to learn about and evaluate the diverse ways the university is engaged in producing and applying educational new media. ASHP/CML’s well-attended sessions included a demonstration of the newly redesigned and expanded Lost Museum website by our head 3-D designer Lee Ann Pomplas-Bruening, a report on The September 11 Digital Archive by project director Fritz Umbach, a survey of the programs and philosophy of the New Media Lab by managing director Andrea Ades Vasquez, a delineation of our Learning to Look teaching with technology program by project director Donna Thompson, and a retrospective look at ASHP/CML’s 12 years in the digital wilderness by executive director Josh Brown. Three additional sessions focused on activities in which ASHP/CML has played a significant role, including the CUNY-wide U.S. History Initiative, the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Doctoral Certificate Program at The Graduate Center, and the Visible Knowledge Project.